Update on Joel: Impressions of Boston

Boston. Aerial viewBoston is one of the oldest and largest cities in America, Granery Burial Ground 1660 but it’s not because it was founded in 1630 Aerial View of Boston or because it has a commuting region of 6.7 million people that gives it gravitas.  Manhattan from the air copyNY’s Big Apple may be the financial and cultural center of the U.S., Harvard Medical School but Boston is the undisputed academic nerve-center of our country and really has been ever since the founding of Harvard (our first and still most revered institution of higher learning) in 1636.MA College of Design Today, there are 60 institutions of higher learning in metropolitan Boston Quincy Market enrolling nearly a quarter of a million students! Joel and Alan Just recently, our youngest son, Joel, swelled that number by one. Northeastern He’s beginning a 5-year PhD program in literature at Northeastern University, Bedroom and so Alan and I went out to visit for a few days. Writing Center Although Joel is studying and teaching at Northeastern, Longwood Medical Area he lives in a Christian community that’s part of the Longwood Medical Area. Backyard He shares a home with 6 other young adults who are all in the medical field. CourtyardAs a mother, I’d been praying for a safe environment with good fellowship for my youngest, Kitchen and you can’t imagine my delight to know that Joel now sits down to dinner on Sunday evenings in a “family” of 7 siblings, of whom he is the youngest Dining Room (as he was in our home as the youngest of 7 siblings). NEU Marino Center While we were in Boston, Joel not only showed us all around his campus, Boston LIbrary he also took us to visit the  Boston Public Library, which is the second- largest Boston Public Librarylibrary in the country (behind only the Library of Congress). Boston Library Study Area The Boston Public Library is one of Joel’s favorite places to write,Boston Library Courtyard and I can see why! MFA During our stay, we also spent an evening in the MFA (Museum of Fine Arts), DSCN7638walked the Freedom Trail, Massachusetts State House toured the Massachusetts State House, Cape Cod with Joel spent a day relaxing in Cape Cod, Boston Commons accidentally happened upon the “M” Fest (“Marijuana”) at the Boston Commons Sunday after church,Emerald Necklace and even discovered Boston’s Emerald Necklace. (Have you ever heard of that?) Northeastern Campus We had so much fun that it might keep me busy for a few weeks telling you all about it, and I’m going to make a new category for my posts Old South Meeting House called “Boston Adventures,” since I’m guessing that over the next 5 years  Alan will be doubly interested in checking out Boston medical meetings! Alan and Joel strolling on Freedom Trail  May the Lord bless and keep Joel—and the millions of young men and women who are away from home studying. If you are away from home in school, or have a beloved young person away from home, or know that before long your son or daughter will be needing to leave home for further training or employment, Strolling Harvard Med School Campus may I encourage you with Boston’s motto? Sicut patribus sit Deus nobis (Latin): “As God was with our fathers, so may He be with us.” DSCN8915 God is able; it’s our responsibility to trust and pray!Harvard Med School Campus“Preserve me, O God; for in thee do I put my trust…The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup; thou maintainest my lot. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage…I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved…Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” (Psalm 16:1,5-6,8,11).

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