June is Bustin’ Out All Over

Don’t you love roses?  My parents had this thing about red roses.

I like all types, but I’m especially fond of the fragrant ones.

Right now June is bustin’ out all over here in Michigan,

and our lane is heavy with the honeyed scent of wild roses..

I dug them out of the woods and transplanted them along the fence line years ago.

Do you like to garden? I don’t. I always get a case of poison ivy, and we have way too many mosquitoes. However, I can never resist, because I love the beautiful colors, textures, and fragrances of flowers.

I would like to be as beautiful and fragrant as a rose.

But, it’s a lot harder to tend my soul than my garden.

Thank you, Lord, for tending me.

Similar, Yet So Different!

Good morning, my beauties!

Yesterday it rained!

…and I also got a prayer update from Peter and Cindi Z. who have a Christmas tree farm in Lafayette, IN, where they reach out to international students at Purdue University. Peter mentioned noticing how international students remind him of irises: they look so similar when you first see them, but when they open up, you realize how different they are!

Isn’t that the truth? In many ways humans are all so similar, but we are also amazingly different, each bearing the image of our wonderful Creator in a totally unique way as we bloom!

First Date

Well, last night I had my first date with Eowyn while the rest of the troops went out to see Prince Caspian. It was love at first sight! Well, I suppose every grandma feels just the same. But really, don’t you think she’s a cutie?

We had such a good time that it produced a sequel. Eowyn decided she wanted to spend the night with me again tonight and let her mom and dad go out! This time, Joel has very graciously helped out. I can hear her squealing and playing happily with him in the next room, but I think it’s about my turn, so I’ll quit for tonight. I’ll tell you, being a mom has been one of the greatest joys of my life, and being a grandmom is really such fun!