#7. Making Memories of Love

Love is probably the world’s best gift. It reveals itself in countless ways, although I want to list a few we experienced over the Christmas holidays:

*Marriages that work

*Cousins who really enjoy being together,

playing games together,

and working together on projects . . . like making movies.

This is the second generation of crazy film-making fun.

It’s been rewarding to see our grandchildren take the lead in writing scripts, preparing costumes and makeup, acting, directing, filming, and producing films (with some coaching from Grace and editing help from Michael and Carl [who’s a graphic designer for Pokémon] but largely on their own steam). I don’t know if any of them will go on to pursue a career in film, but the plans and pressures to produce films bonds the kids together and gives everybody a role (young and old) they’ll always treasure. For our kids, Indiana Jones became Ohio Smith; for our grandchildren, Frozen became Melted and now Cinderella is Cinderfella!

*Continuing traditions that never seem to grow old,
like our expeditions to Meijer Gardens.

*Starting new traditions that delight our hearts.

Our professional pianist son graciously consented to my request for him to give us a mini concert one evening, complete with a few notations on the pieces. I could listen to him play for hours. Probably for ages!

His sibs were so delighted they’ve asked him to teach a music appreciation class for some of their older homeschooling kids. (He still does adjunct teaching for Eastman School of Music in NY.)

*Love that reaches out across the miles and oceans.

We were blessed to have everybody home but Jon’s family (who are in Germany), although at least we got to talk to them on our video phones! We miss them terribly, as I’m sure you know if you have children who didn’t make it home.

*Another joy: Comfortableness between the generations.

*Games! UNO bridges the generations and is simple enough to be fun from 4-104!

“Loaded Questions” takes a little more thought but is also super fun. “Masterpieces” and “Imagine If” are two other favorites.

*Oh, and solving puzzles together! What would Christmas break be without a puzzle to pore over while chatting? Aaron and I started a 1,000-piece puzzle when his family arrived, and before the holiday was over, Michael and his daughter Nycteris put the last pieces into place.

*Those priceless times talking around the table after dinner. Michael and Grace started the tradition with their kids of letting parents talk for a few minutes while lingering over “coffee time.” You can see this is only working because the baby is sleeping and the next youngest is asking a question (which hopefully only requires a short answer). Time for adults to think together is precious . . . and very rare indeed when you have preschoolers.

But, of course, we wouldn’t trade the love and kisses of our children for anything in this world. Love is what makes the world go ’round and the generations have hope to continue. Love keeps us breathing! God is love, and his mercy endures forever!

Even though Mary, the mother of Jesus, was perhaps the most blessed of women, each of us who are part of a family are blessed. If you don’t have a family of your own, God invites you—through faith in Jesus—to become His child and part of His family! For all these reasons, we can all enter into the song of praise Mary exclaimed over the birth of Jesus.

The Magnificat: “And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation” (Luke 1:46-50).