Reluctant to Accept Spring

For the first time in my memory, instead of being overwhelmed by euphoria when the warmth of spring began to melt our snows this week, I’ve found myself resisting the puffy clouds and warm breezes. My daughter’s family is coming this weekend, and we’ve been contemplating sledding, ice skating, and building a snowman!

This is Alan’s first winter to play since childhood, and it’s been exhilarating to watch! He’s been skiing through our woods pretty much every day. He’s turned our home into a winter lodge, preparing our stores of old kids’ skis and sharpening the skates for our grandchildren.

Snowshoeing on our 48th anniversary

Since my hip replacement is fresh (last fall), I’m not taking any chances on falling, but we’ve been loving our treks around the lake and through the woods together on snowshoes.

Who needs to head south for the winter? Not us! We’ve loved every day of freezing weather . . . sun and snow.

Enter spring! The lake is turning into slush, the trails melting, the stream running, and with a forecast of 43° and a 40% chance of “frozen mix” for Saturday. Any plans for a snowman might have to be reconfigured into creating a rain goon. 😦

How is it that I resist change? Isn’t spring supposed to be glorious? The long-awaited reprieve from the harshness of winter? For many—maybe even most—spring will come as a welcome relief. For those who are suffering from physical pain and emotional isolation. For those who are suffering under the burdens of cold and darkness . . . who long for warmth and light.

One of my sisters, who lives in Florida, has had weather in the 70-80°s! One day it was 86°—all the warmth and light she could handle! My brother who lives in northern California has been enjoying sunshine and warmth all winter! His son, who lives in southern California, reported (via the cartoon above) that they have over a foot of sunshine!

That day, Alan measured our snow: about 15 inches! No matter where we live, if we aren’t suffering and are enjoying life, then we don’t look forward to spring with quite the same intensity.

I wonder, will I resist leaving the winter of earth for the springtime of heaven when my time comes? Will I respond with a bit of shock? “But Lord, I’ve just made so many plans for the future!” I have prepared for this or that project with my children and grandchildren . . .

Swan arriving at our lake in early spring

Ah, but springtime is glorious! I will embrace it and look forward to it with joy! Goodbye winter. If you must leave, then I am ready to leave as well. It may be today, or it may not be for twenty-five years. It may come slowly, or it may come suddenly, just at some moment when I’m preparing for company! It may even arrive when the trumpet of the Lord sounds and we are caught up together to be with Him forever. But, I lift up my hands to the Lord in anticipation of springtime, both here on earth and on into eternity! Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Bluebirds awaiting spring in our cherry tree

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen” (Revelation 1:7).

He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20).