Waimea Canyon: Don’t Stop ‘Til You Can’t Go Any Further

the-glory-of-waimea-canyonDid you know there’s such a place as “The Grand Canyon of the Pacific?” waimea-canyon-panoramic-viewIt was so named by Mark Twain over a hundred years ago, waipaoo-falls-waimea-canyonbut it sprang into glowing reality for me personally just recently kauai-canyons-and-waterfallswhile visiting Hawaii’s “Garden Island,” Kauai. waimea-canyon-2Waimea Canyon (its official name) is about ten miles long first-view-into-waimea-canyon-kauaiand over 3,000 feet deep. waimea-canyon-kauaiThe canyon was formed originally by the collapse of the volcano lava-ionizing-in-waimea-canyonwhich is the bedrock of Hawaii’s Kauai Island, waimea-river-running-through-waimea-canyonbut Waimea has further eroded by the flow of the Waimea River.grand-canyon-of-the-pacific-waimea-canyon-kauai Waimea Canyon a mesmerizing study in color! stratified-layers-of-rock-in-waimea-canyon-kauaiThe stratified reds and browns come from layers of black volcanic basaltred-rocks-in-waimea-canyon  that have oxidized over millennia into bright red, iron soil. waimea-canyon-hawaii-grand-canyon-of-the-pacificLush patterns of green lace weave in and out…gifts of foliagewaterfalls-streaming-down-mountainside-in-kauai-as-seen-from-kalalau-lookout flowing from Mount Wai’ale’ale, Kauai’s central peak, waipoo-falls-in-waimea-canyonfamed for catching clouds and being one of the wettest places on earth! waimea-canyon-beautyOne of the highlights of Waimea Canyon’s 1,866-acre state park is Waipao Falls, waipoo-falls-in-waimea-canyon-closeup-2which cascades 800 feet down the canyon wall waimea-canyon-helicopterand can be seen at various lookouts along the 18-mile stretch road-up-to-waimea-canyon-kauaiof Highway 550 that takes you to the top of the canyon. waimea-canyonThere are many great hiking trails in the park, and if you have the time, glory-bush-tibouchina-urvilleana-kauai-by-kalalau-lookoutit would be easy to spend your entire day exploring.waimea-canyon-lookout-parking-lot-with-chickens Although most tourists stop here, steep-road-up-waimea-canyon-kauaiHighway 550 winds its way up past Kokee State Park (lovely rain forest) kalalau-lookout-sign-kauaiand ends at the Kalalau Lookout,kalalau-lookoutwhich has magnificent views of the Na Pali Coast. waipoo-falls-in-waimea-canyon-close-upThe concierge at our hotel showed us some photos on her i-phone heading-to-waimea-canyon-highway-50and said that no matter what the forecast, go anyway, kalalau-lookout-viewand don’t stop until you get to the end of the road! (Such great advice!!)predicting-rain-for-waimea-canyon-kauaiThe prediction had been for rain the day she went, bi-plane-in-kauai-01-25-17but rain is a common part of the forecast and usually doesn’t last long. lantana-blooming-in-kauaiBesides, it’s great for the flowers and often produces sparkling rainbows. clouds-and-distant-trees-waimea-canyon-kauaiThe day we went, we didn’t get to see any rainbows, oxidized-volcanic-rock-on-kauaibut the weather was much better than anticipated, waimea-canyon-kauai-copyand the clouds scuttling across the sky above the canyon formed beautiful cloud-formations-over-waimea-canyon-kauaipatterns of light and dark that made the contrasts even richer. waimea-canyon-roller-coaster-roadsPersevering to the end of the road was well worth the time and twists, waimea-canyon-grand-canyon-of-the-pacific-kauaiand being filled with the beauty of this wild, deep canyon distant-waterfalls-from-kalalau-lookout-kauaibrought to mind the words of Scripture:

waimea-canyon-kauai“…so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:17-19, ESV).another-beautiful-sunset-in-kauai-hawaii(I took all these photos on the day we went to Waimea Canyon in January, 2017. As you can see, the weather changes a lot over the course of one day, so never let the weather stop you from enjoying the incredible beauty of God’s creation!)