Simple Pleasures: Eating Together

Fudge for dinner“When you’re a dentist, you can have fudge for the main course too if you want,” Daniel responded with a perfectly straight face to 5-year-old Reid’s accusation that his Uncle Dan wasn’t eating responsibly. Choosing what to eatDaniel had been a few minutes late finishing up at his clinic and arrived just after Aaron’s children had all selected what they wanted to eat for dinner. Child selecting foodAaron and Carleen’s kids have excellent taste in food and always eat a wide variety of fruits and veggies with their dinner, so they were flabbergasted to see their uncle walk in and select a big hunk of fudge as his entree. A balanced mealOf course, he ate other good stuff later, but you can bet the kids will never forget the night Uncle Dan ate fudge for dinner!BrothersFrankly, Aaron definitely deserves to have his 4 sons teased after all the teasing Daniel had to endure growing up in a family with 5 crazy brothers. 🙂Sisters! When I was in France a couple of weeks ago, I asked the oldest daughter (who’d recently married) what she missed most about being gone, and without a moment’s hesitation she replied, “I miss all the fun around the dinner table!” Family DinnerYou know, no matter how hectic mealtime is with kids, it’s one of my very favorite times of the day…definitely one of the simple (and best) pleasures in life! Roasting Hotdogs around the campfireIt doesn’t have to be anything fancy, either! Yummy picnicThere’s just something wonderful about being together, sharing food and fun! Enjoying eating togetherAnd, when it comes to mealtime, there’s always lots of prep and clean up…not to mention all the give and take over who’s going to help tend the kidsGrandpa helping by holding grandson while who’s going to hold babies…while who else gets to eat first! Talking to AuntieBesides, there are lots of conversations and opportunities for bonding, The perfectly toasted marshmallowand maybe a little friendly competition from time to time…
like whose marshmallow is the most perfectly toasted, Yummy toasted marshmallow and whose tastes most delicious.
(Deliciousness is definitely in the mouth of the betaster.) Lunchtime with childrenNo matter how simple, I hope you’re able to share many joyous meals
with family and friends this summer! Toasting Marshmallows“Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith” (Proverbs 15:17).