Recipe for Delicious, Gluten-Free Flour

Sorry I don’t have a photo of something marvelous baked using this flour, but I do have Grace’s seal of approval, and as she’s a girlfriend of impeccable taste and integrity (who needs to be gluten-free), I trust her! A baker shared this recipe with Grace after hearing her lament that she couldn’t find any gluten-free flour that tastes as good as wheat flour. She’s been using it ever since. If you have to be gluten-free and are likewise frustrated and disappointed in the taste quality of current products, try this!

Grace, who is a gifted quilter as well as one who enjoys baking!

Gluten-Free Flour

“This recipe is adapted from a recipe shared with me by BIT (Believe in This) Baking Company, a cookie company striving for healthful and delicious cookies” (Grace Truman).

Here is the original recipe:

1 1/2 C white rice flour

1/2 C arrowroot starch

1 C tapioca starch

1 tsp. xanthum gum

1 C pulverized gluten-free, quick-cooking oats (optional)

I wanted to make it in a bigger quantity, to avoid mixing it up each time I want to bake. Here is the recipe I now use:

Bob’s Red Mill (BRM) white rice flour, 24 oz.

BRM arrowroot starch, 8 oz. (1/2 package)

BRM tapioca flour, 16 oz.

BRM oat flour, 18 oz.

BRM xanthan gum, 10 tsp.

In a very large bowl, carefully stir all of these together. They are very fine and can fly around easily. Store in a tightly covered container, either in the refrigerator or freezer. Bring to room temperature before using. Use the same amount called for in regular recipes.

The people asked, and he brought quails,
and satisfied them with the bread of heaven” (Psalm 105:40).

For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven,
and giveth life unto the world” (John 6:33).

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