Fresh’n’Sweet Tomato Soup

When you were little, did you have a favorite soup? How about now? When I was little, my favorite lunch was tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches, and this is still the favorite lunch of my youngest son’s lifelong buddy (who’s now an adult). Also, on our recent cruise of the North Sea, we were served tomato soup several times and discovered that it’s popular not only aboard ships but on land as well…from Iceland to India. Therefore, I believe it’s an international, inter-generational classic!Alan and I have enjoyed many iterations of tomato soup, such as this unusual bowl of tomato soup with spinach and pasta. Tomato basil soup has become quite popular with hipsters and in upscale restaurants. My “Little Sister, Liz” made some from scratch last time I visited her in Washington D.C. , and it was outstanding!However, I think possibly the best tomato soup I’ve ever tasted was served at Friðheimar, a restaurant near Selfoss, Iceland, while Alan and I were on the  “Golden Circle Tour.” It was basically super fresh and creamy, with a swirl of yogurt and a sprinkling of parsley on top. Of course, I don’t know exactly what ingredients go into fabulous dishes, but I can usually come pretty close, so I want to share what I dreamed up, inspired by mulling over the delectable tastes and smells of that wonderful meal and dedicated to the memory of Iceland. If you’re the chef at Friðheimar and find this recipe, please feel free to share “the real” recipe with us. I looked online trying to find your recipe, but all I found were reviews that said things like, “the best fresh tomato soup I’ve ever tasted,” “we just instantly fell in love with the sweet’n’fresh tomato soup,” “simple but so tasty,” “amazing soup,” “gorgeous soup,” etc. That’s just the way we felt too! So, I tried, but mine is not as amazing as my memory of Friðheimar’s. Maybe I’ll write and ask him if he’ll share his recipe. Meanwhile, here’s a bright, healthy soup to warm you up on a chilly autumn day.

Fresh’n’Sweet Tomato Soup

In a large stock pot, combine:
2 tablespoons butter (turn on heat and melt), then add
1 medium onion, finely chopped (I only used half of the one above)
1 garlic clove (or 1 teaspoon pressed garlic; I just used 1 clove of this bulb)
1/2  teaspoon salt
1  teaspoon (your favorite; mine is Lawry’s) seasoning salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper. Saute until the onions start to brown. Then add:
2 tablespoons flour; stir until absorbed into the juices before adding:8large tomatoes, cubed
1 tablespoon granulated white sugar
1 teaspoon crushed basil
1/4 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
2 cups chicken broth (or 2 cups of water and 2 chicken bouillon cubes=2 tablespoons of chicken bouillon powder) Simmer for 30 minutes on medium heat.  Let it rest 15 minutes, then run it through a food mill or use a blender or immersion blender to puree. At this point, I believe Friðheimar must have run the puree through a strainer to remove skins and seeds, but I tend to think all sources of healthy fiber are good for  you, so I didn’t. Suit yourself on this one.Next, taste it, and possibly add more salt and pepper per your personal taste.
Just before serving, reheat to make it piping hot, and serve with some swirls of yogurt and sprinkles of parsley (fresh or crushed).

(Closeup of fresh tomato soup, unstrained and without yogurt added)

Better is a dinner of herbs where love is,
than a stalled ox and hatred therewith
” (Proverbs 15:17).

P.S.—In the picture above, I had stirred extra yogurt into the soup (trying to match the color I remembered and add protein), but it wasn’t as yummy with the yogurt as without, so I left it out of the recipe above. Tomato soup is very light, however, so it’s good to combine it with something like fruit and fresh bread with cheese or a grilled cheese sandwich so you don’t end up hungry in an hour! 🙂  )

10 thoughts on “Fresh’n’Sweet Tomato Soup

  1. Oh yum! This looks amazing! We had potato soup a lot as a child, and cabbage if I remember correctly. I’ll have to try this, it’s already in the 30’s where we’re spending the winter, so soup is a must 😍

    1. Great! Please let me know how you like it, or if you tweak it, what you do to make if better.

      Where are you wintering? Do you have any favorite recipes for potato or cabbage soup? I’m always excited to share what other people have found and love…

      1. North Dakota! ❄️ It’s calling for snow this week! It’s our first time here for the winter, we usually go south. We’re looking forward to snow, none of us have ever been sledding.

        We always kept things simple, cabbage with tomato sauce and hamburger meat. Potatoes in water and a splash of milk and cheese. That’s probably why I’m so excited about your soup, it looks way better than what I grew up on 🙂

      2. Wow! Let me know if it actually snows this week! I lived in South Dakota for two years when I was 8-9. I loved the ground strewn with rose quartz and pyrite…and maybe a flint arrowhead here and there. Not so crazy about the black widow spiders and winter blizzards, but the wind whistling through the pine trees was almost like a lullaby at night. Where in ND do you live? I hope your family really enjoys this winter, especially sledding!!

      3. Oh wow, that’s neat! I love SD, especially Spearfish, we visit there as often as possible for the waterfalls. We’re in Bismarck this time, everyone up here is so friendly. We might have to make an Island our next assignment though, if the winter is harsh enough! Seems like that might balance it out. I’ll let you know about the snow 🙂 It’s funny that a place so cold could even have spiders! They must be apart of the fall, hehe. Mosquitos too!

      4. Keep me posted on how you like North Dakota! SD was cold in the winter but hot in the summer!

    1. Thanks so much! If you made it and still like it, I’d love to know. It’s as close as I can come but not perfect. If you can figure out a more perfect solution, I’d also love to hear! Have you been to Iceland?

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