Randy Glasbergen Takes the Cake

diet1There are all sorts of funny but pointed jokes on weight loss, dieting-cartoons and I want to share a few that have been passed on to me via the internet. funny-cartoons-dietingThey’re all cute, and they all have a grain of truth that makes me laugh, Diet Cartoon 1 but many of my very favorites are by Randy Glasbergen, who (as it turns out), diet jokes 1 is a highly productive American cartoonist. diet jokes Randy started his career at age 15 and was so successful that he dropped out of  diet82college after only 2 years and has spent the past 3 decades+ creating cartoons. diet11 If you enjoy these cartoons, you can find many more in his book, donuts-and-diets The Weird and Wonderful World of Diets. stupid-weight-loss-technics-funny

Cartoons have a wonderful way of making us laugh, and that’s good. But, they also have a serious side, which is to make us realize how often we use faulty thinking to justify things that are simply not right. How to lose weight...If we’re really going to lose weight and become healthier, we’re going to have to straighten out our thinking and then buckle down to the hard work of going after our goal, just like Randy Glasbergen, who’s been pumping out great cartoons for many years! I think he not only takes the cake, he deserves his cake, and if those of us who are committed to getting into good shape keep working hard to accomplish this worthy goal, then someday we might be able to take the cake too (at least a little). 🙂

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:2).

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9).

4 thoughts on “Randy Glasbergen Takes the Cake

  1. Good ones!
    Generally I happy with my eating, sticking mostly to super foods, but leave room for a larger meal in the afternoon when my appetite is kicking up a fuss, then a lighter supper. Lots of homemade kale chips for superior nutrients and snacky feeling, and a few sweets.
    I’m striving for a lifestyle of healthy eating rather than trying to lose weight, and my clothes are getting looser!

    1. Excellent! I notice that my clothes are getting a bit looser too, which is wonderful! How’s Em today?

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