One Week from Today

Imagine, just one week from today we’ll be having a rehearsal dinner. Just one week from tomorrow, we’ll be having a wedding. Tonight Stephen comes home. Tomorrow, Carleen and our grandboys arrive…also Carl, our almost-son-in-law…and Jennifer and Melanie, who are two other bridesmaids and beloved companions of Kathy’s since earliest childhood.  Sunday Jonny comes marching home and minutes later there’s a personal shower for Kathy with some of her closest 20-something lady friends…plus Gene and Andrea and their kids. Every day thereafter will be filled with cleaning, decorating, baking, receiving relatives, and hopefully having fun. In fact, I’m going to have my first ever pedicure on Tuesday, since Kathy wants her toenails looking perfect for her honeymoon, and hey…why not go with her! With only one daughter, I want to make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime momentous occasion!

Oh, and I got my  Armstrong Archives back from the printer today…all 971+ pages and 765,406 words. It looks like the American Heritage Dictionary I have sitting on my desk. If I weren’t so busy, I’d sit right down and peruse it. Hopefully, it will provide lots of entertainment for the grandkids in years to come!

Do you like “wise sayings?” I tend to collect them. Here are a few I’ve heard lately that I like a lot:

Aim for service and success will follow.
— Albert Schweitzer
One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that the cat only has nine lives.
— Mark Twain
Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.
— Lord Byron
We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.
— Martin Luther King, Jr.
“We must become the change we want to see.” –Mahatma Gandhi
Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.
— Albert Einstein

4 thoughts on “One Week from Today

  1. Ma Erickson always said, “Save your breath to cool your porridge”. I always took that to mean to not be too quick to try to change others or convince them that I was right. I’m sure there are other meanings as well. But I’ve found it helpful over the course of life. Shortly after Ma died in 1999, we found a bowl at an antique shop in Ontario with that saying on it. The shop keeper said it was an old Scottish saying which makes sense because Ma’s mother was Scottish.

    I know you will enjoy every minute in the next week. What a blessed time for all of you. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you.

  2. Are you still enjoying cloudless skies with Kristin? I will have to remember to try to save my breath to cool my porridge rather than get too worked up over everything I haven’t done that I thought I wanted to do!

  3. Oh My! You ARE going to be a busy beaver. I hope you can enjoy every minute of it!! Take A LOT of pictures! Keep it down to a dull roar and then LAUGH right out loud. Prayers for you–ALL WEEK.

  4. Oh my, I’m not a “20-something lady” anymore, am I? Oh, well. It was a roller coaster of a decade. I’m happy to be starting the next one.

    And I know I’ll see you to tell you this in person, but enjoy your pedicure! I’ve had two, both given to me by my hubby, and they were decadently delightful. It ought to be a little moment of peace in the midst of your wild week.

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