Aqueduct Project: Upcoming Free Classes

Dear Friends! We have an incredible lineup of courses launching in the fall of 2024! Register today for one or more of these free courses and please remember to invite your friends!
EXALTING JESUS IN EPHESIANSw/ Dr. Jason Hubbard In Ephesians, the Apostle Paul, the great interpreter of the mind of Jesus, opens to us the wonders of Jesus’ person, work, and call! In this lecture series, we will soak in this letter which the Apostle Paul wrote from a prison cell in Rome. We might consider the first half of the letter good news and the second half good advice. The first half of the letter is about the “wonder of grace” and the second half is about the “walk of grace.” As we will discover, grace brings us into an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ―“In Christ,” as Paul says again and again.
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DIETRICH BONHOEFFER:HIS LIFE AND THEOLOGYw/ Bruce Kerr and Jonathan J. Armstrong Dietrich Bonhoeffer stands as one of the most influential theologians of the twentieth century, and yet his life and theology are still something of an enigma. Hanged at the age of only 39 on April 9, 1945, for his part in a conspiracy to assassinate Adolph Hitler, Bonhoeffer is remembered for his versatile and brilliant contributions to our understanding of the unity of the church, the significance of grace in a secular age, and the practice of Christian community.
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THE BOOK OF JOB:FAITH IN SEASONS OF SUFFERINGw/ David Wang and Jonathan J. Armstrong The Book of Job is one of the more mysterious and difficult books of the Bible. Its central theme of faith in the midst of suffering is clear, yet sounding the depths of its response to the theological problem of pain and evil is challenging at every level. We will conduct this course as a multinational Bible study comprised of smaller discussion groups.
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JESUS IN THE JEWISH HOLIDAYSw/ Herbert Lang and Jonathan J. Armstrong This course will focus on the major Jewish holidays in the Bible: Passover, Shavuot (Pentecost), Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), Succot (Feast of Tabernacles), and Shabat (the Sabbath). We will review how and why they are celebrated. In addition, we will try to understand how each one of the biblical holidays represents elements from Jesus’ life, ministry, and purpose.
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P.S.—There are even more classes listed on the website, which you can access by pressing the “Register Now” icon above. I am really excited about the topics and the qualifications (and wisdom) of the teachers. Hope to see you there!

Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that has nothing to be ashamed of, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:14-16, JUB).